
  • [ 데이터통신 ] chapter 3. Signals
    전공공부/데이터통신 2021. 4. 14. 22:25


    안녕하세요. 개알못입니다~~

    이번 포스터는 데이터통신 과목에서 Signal에 관하여 다루겠습니다.

    - To be transmitted, data must be transformed to electromagnetic signals

    3.1) Analog and Digital

    - Signals can be analog or digital

    - Analog signals은 무한한 값 (infinite)

    - digital signals은 유한한 값 (limited)

    - 보통 아날로그 신호는 주기(periodic), 디지털 신호는 비주기 (aperiodic)

    - 아날로그 주기는 어떤 신호라도 주기 신호복합체로 나타낼 수 있다.

    3.2) Analog Signals

    - Analog Signal

    정현파는 최대 진폭, 주파수, 위상에 특성을 가짐

    주기와 주파수는 서로 역관계

    주파수란 1초 동안 생성되는 신호 주기의 수 = Frequency is the rate of change with respect to time.

    위상이란 시각 0시에 대해 파형의 상대적인 위치 = Phase describes the position of the waveform relative to time zero.

    [cycle] x 360 = [degrees]

    [degrees] x 2pi/360 = [radians]

    An analog signal is best represented in the frequency domain

    A Single-frequency sine wave is not useful in data-communications. So we need to change one or more of its characteristics to make it useful => it becomes a composite signal made of many frequencies.

    푸리에 해석에 따르면 임의의 복합 신호는 서로 다른 주파수, 진폭, 위상을 갖는 단순 정현파(sine wave)들의 조합으로 나타낼 수 있다.


    - Square wave

    Fundamental Frequency : f

    harmonics : 3f, 5f

    Frequency spectrum : all frequency. componets

    Composite signal


    - A medium may pass some frequencies and may block or weaken others


    - Bandwidth

    복합 신호에 포함된 주파수 영역

    복합 신호의 대역폭은 신호에 포함된 최고 주파수와 최저 주파수의 차이

    Normally the range of frequencies that a medium can pass without losing one-half of the power in that signal.

    The relationship between bandwidth of a medium and bandwidth of a signal. If they does not match, some of the frequencies are lost.

    3.3) Digital Signals

    - Bit interval instead of period in analog signals = time for sending a single bit

    - Bit rate instead of frequency = number of bit intervals per second (bps)

    - A digital signal is a composite signal with an infinite bandwidth

    - 디지털 신호는 기본적으로 wide-Bandwidth Medium에서 해야한다.

    - 디지털 신호가 Band-Limited Medium에서도 될 수 있다. 그러나there exists the relationship between the number of bps and the minimum required bandwidth. => the Nyquist theorem, the Shannon capacity

    - the bps and the required B/W using only more harmonic => B = n/2 + 3n/2 + 5n/2 + ....

    - B>=n/2 or n<=2B

    - The bit rate and the bandwidth are proportional to each other.


    - Digital bandwidth for digital data(bps) = Maximum bit rate through a medium can pass

    - Analog bandwidth for analog data(hz) = Range of frequencies that a medium can pass


    3.4) Analog versus Digital

    - A low-pass channel has a BW with frequencies between 0 and f.

    - A band-pass channel has a BW with frequencies between f1 and f2.


    - Digital transmission needs a low-pass channel.

    - A low-pass channel only if the medium is dedicated two devices(point-to-point) or shared between several devices in time(not in frequency).


    - Analog transmission can use a bane-pass channel. this is not to say that an analog transmission cannot use a low-pass channel.

    - Advantage : a band-pass channel is more available

    The BW of a medium can be divided into several band-pass channels to carry several analog transmissions instead of one digital transmission. ex) in analog cellular telephony, a limited bandwidth is divided between many users. 

    3.5) Data Rate Limits

    - Data rate depends on

    The bandwidth available

    The levels of signals we can use

    The quality of the channel ( the level of the noise )


    - Noiseless channel : Niquist bit rate

    BitRate in bps = 2 x bandwidth x log2L  (L : number of signal levels)


    - Noisy channel : Shannon capacity

    Capacity in bps = bandwidth x log2(1 + SNR)

    we cannot a data rate higher than the capacity of the channel of the channel, irrespective of the levels of the signals.

    3.6) Transmission Impairment

    - Attenuation(감쇠), Distortion(일그러짐), Noise(잡음)


    - Attenuation

    Loss of energy due to the resistance of the medium.

    To compensate for this loss, amplifiers are used.


    - Decibel

    dB = 10log10(P2/P1)

    positive value : the signal has been amplified(증폭)

    negative value : the signal has been attenuated(감쇠)


    - Distortion : the signal changes its form or shape

    occurs in a composite signal.

    Because each signal has its own propagation speed through a medium.


    - Noise

    Thermal noise : Random motions of electrons (열잡음)

    Induced noise : form motors and appliances ( 유도된 잡음)

    Crosstalk : Noise from other wires as antenna (혼선)

    Impulse noise : Spike noise from power lines, lightning (충격 잡음)



    참고자료 : Data Communications and Networks, fourth edition by Behrouz A, Forouzan

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